T H E P R I N C I P A L ' S O F F I C E
Located in the lobby of the historic Amelia Schoolhouse Inn, The Principal's Office Bar is open to the public and combines premium cocktails and wine with a historical flair in giving our patrons a unique experience. By adding touches such as re-purposing the original framing from 1886 to create the bar top, hanging the pictures of the US Presidents that would have graced the walls when the building was an operating school, and installing a putting green in the courtyard, the bar was designed to be a bit more enjoyable than what some of us might have experienced when being sent to the Principal's Office.
The Principal’s Office proudly serves a rotating menu of light appetizers.
Keep up with our social media for updates on future
cocktail classes.
For private cocktail class inquiries, please
email us at theprincipalsofficebar@gmail.com